November 20, 2016 *
Forever Grateful
Come, my people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until the fury has passed by.—Isaiah 26:20
Stephen Hawking (74 YO) believes that humanity has less than a thousand years on Earth before a mass extinction occurs, the leading theoretical physicist said during a speech Tuesday at Oxford University Union, U.K.
According to Hawking, the only way humans can avoid the possibility of extinction was to find another planet to inhabit. “We must also continue to go into space for the future of humanity,” he said. “I don’t think we will survive another 1000 without escaping beyond our fragile planet.”
Hawking reportedly added that finding another planet was the only chance of survival. “[We] have spread out into space, and to other stars, so a disaster on Earth would not mean the end of the human race,” he said.
The Lord has a very peculiar care for His own people. He is their shepherd, and He feeds them like a flock. He is their Father, and He guards them as His own children. Whenever time of great trouble come, He thinks specially of them. He drowned the antediluvian world, but not till Noah was safely in the Ark. He burned Sodom and Gomorrah, but not till Lot had escaped. In all His judgment He remembers His mercy towards His believing people; He does not suffer them to be destroyed even in the day of the destruction of the ungodly. Children of God, your Father’s eye is lovingly fixed upon you; His heart cares for you every moment.
Whenever there is any evil to come upon the land, God knows all about it, for He knows everything, He foresees all that is going to happen. Whether we can see into the future or not, is of little consequence, for the Lord can see. He forewarns His children before He delivers the judgment and when great storm is coming, He provides for them a shelter. For these, let thank the Lord our God.
To those who have no God, the future must look very dark, especially that blackest spot of all; the river of death! When you come there, you will have to take a plunge in the dark, but the heir of heaven knows that, whatever lies before him, all is ordained and fixed, arranged and settled by the infinite wisdom and love of God, and he can trust himself without fear to the Lord’s preserving mercy. Without wishing to prey into the future, he lives himself entirely into the hands of God.
To be safe then, we listen to the counsel of God in times of trouble. Let us pay close attention to our text and hear what God has to say:
God is Our Finest Friend All Times
“Come, my people.”
As a hen gives her peculiar “cluck” when the hawk is in the air, to bid her chicks come and hide under her wings, so thus God here give a gentle loving note alarm, and a gracious call of invitation, as He says, “come, my people.” How do these words sound to you? Sweet!!! The storm is ready. The first splash of lightning seems to split the darkness of nature. God’s voice says, “Come, my people,” hasten home. Do not wait, do not fear! Come to your Father, your friend.
Come and spread your case before God (Hezekiah). Come to consider the Father’s mind about such a case (turn to your Bible). Come to make sure of the greatest matters (know the treasures that no one can take away). Come to give all things to God (let God do what He wills; I’m too weak to deal with it).
Come, my people. Come, tell me your trouble, study my mind about your trouble, make sure of the greatest matter, and leave all your matters with me.
God is Our Strong Shield All the Times
“Come, my people, enter into your chambers.”
He is our power. God is able to bear you through every trial; bring good out of all evil; able to comfort; able either to prevent the trouble or to make you strong enough to bear it. Nothing can happen to you which will be beyond the power of God; according to His mighty power He will surely deliver you. He will show himself strong on your behalf if you trust Him. Hide away in this chamber of the divine omnipotence. You will never be afraid for the almighty God shall be your defense.
He is our wisdom. God is not perplexed or troubled. He sees the end from the beginning; He has all the means at His disposal; there are no entanglements and knots to Him; He can guide you into the center of joy. There are no such things as darkness and night to the eyes of him who perceives all things. God’s wisdom is at work on behalf of the heirs of heaven. Come, my people, enter into this bright room and take a delightful rest in tis council chamber of divine wisdom.
His love never fail. Think of this wondrous truth that God loves you. Whether He discipline you, caress you, He loves you. He loved you from the foundation of the world and He will love you when the world’s foundation will be overthrown. He loves you without beginning, without measure, without change, and without end.
His faithfulness endures forever. God is true and faithful to His promises. Have you studied God’s promises? Believe it. God will never fail you, trust Him.
God is Our Perfect Peace All the Time
“Shut your doors behind you”
Shut out all doubt. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Never doubt the Lord’s power, wisdom, love, and faithfulness. There is no rest or comfort till you shut out all doubts. Shut the door, lock it, bolt it, and bar it. Let not anything come in to disturb your peace.
Shut in with God. Nothing to worry, you are shut in with God. We rest completely in Him. (Jesus looking for a pillow during the storm at the Sea of Galilee) He felt perfectly safe the Father’s hand. He was so soundly sleeping while His disciples wide awake, fretting and worrying. Brethren, when you have great deal of trouble, let me give and advice; go to bed and sleep. Because most of the time, if we do something, we make a mess of it. Stop doing something; instead look for a pillow and go to sleep. Rest in God and patiently wait for Him for He call do all things.
God is Our Cheerful Comforter All the Time
“Hide yourselves for a little while until the fury has passed by.”
A moment is but the tick of a clock—a little moment. It will only be a little moment, then no more. What will follow will be a song of God’s praise. It is only a little moment that we are to be here. Take your trouble as come, thanking God that there is good coming out of evil, and sweetness in the bitter. Take it all. It will not last long.
Get into the chambers that the Lord has prepared for you, and hide yourselves “for a little moment, until the indignation be over past.”
We will only be hare for a short time, and then we will appear before the judgment seat of Christ. If we have never hidden in these chambers, if we have never fled to Christ then will come the time of woe, a darksome time, indeed; sorrow without end, grief without terms, and everlasting bitterness. God help me drink ten thousands cups of bitterness here rather than have to drink that cup of wormwood and gall forever! Believe Him, trust in Him, that you may never knew His indignation; but having hidden for a small moment from the present trouble, you shall wake up to endless joy at God’s right hand, for ever and ever!